9 November, 2021

Public health expert Prof Giorgi Pkhakadze said in his social media post that coronavirus can be controlled and beaten.
''Today, Japan saw zero mortality from COVID-19. Yes, you are not mistaken; nobody has died from COVID in the country with 126 million people today!
How? 76% of the population is fully vaccinated here with Pfizer and Moderna, this is how; they also used AstraZeneca initially. Additionally, wearing face masks is mandatory here, and social distance is a norm.
Let's quit all myths, anti-vaxxers', or Russian occupants' narratives!
I congratulate Japan and the Japanese! This wicked virus is about to be defeated everywhere where we have common sense, pragmatism, and the love of the homeland!
Yes, the virus can be handled and beaten,'' Dr Pkhakadze said in his social media post.
Professor Giorgi Pkhakadze, MD, MPH, PhD #drpkhakadze #accreditationge #გიორგიფხაკაძე
Source: https://report.ge/en/society/giorgi-pkhakadze-nobody-died-from-covid-in-the-country-today/