
Giorgi Pkhakadze, United Nations Secretary-General Independent Accountability Panel Member advises the Georgian government not to ease the restrictive measures imposed by the pandemic, but to tighten them even further.
As Pkhakadze told TV Pirveli, the economy cannot be opened on December 24 under any circumstances, and if the country does not tighten measures in the next 6 weeks, the country will get more tragic results.
"There must be a tighter lockdown. The country must not be opened on December 24 under any circumstances. We do not have the luxury of then calculating the morbidity figures of our citizens, which will be increased even more. My position is simple, there should be strict measures and the country should be closed for 6 weeks to have results. If there are ineffective point lockdowns, we will have more deplorable and bitter consequences," Pkhakadze said.
However, if restrictions introduced by the government on November 28 will be lifted or not still remains unknown.
Professor Giorgi Pkhakadze, MD, MPH, PhD #drpkhakadze #accreditationge #გიორგიფხაკაძე
Профессор Гиорги Пхакадзе. #ПрофессорПхакадзе