28 October 2020

The Independent Accountability Panel is keen to learn about your experience of accountability, what your needs are and how they can be addressed more effectively.
Please spare a few minutes to take a short online survey on accountability run by the Independent Accountability Panel (IAP) for Every Woman Every Child, with support from Development Gateway.
The IAP views accountability as a common good that enables the realization of goals and rights and promotes efficiency, effectiveness, equity and trust. A landmark IAP 2020 report recommended that accountability be strengthened through institutionalization, democratization and being underpinned by strong country data.
For this reason, we seek your input through this survey about what data and information would be most useful for institutionalizing and democratizing accountability processes. The deadline for survey completion is 16 November 2020, and results will be shared by the end of the year.
Photo credit: © UNICEF/UNI213667/Diarassouba

Professor Giorgi Pkhakadze, MD, MPH, PhD
Профессор Гиорги Пхакадзе. #ПрофессорПхакадзе
Source: https://iapewec.org/news/take-a-survey/