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Dr Giorgi Pkhakadze: The beginning of September will be the hardest

13 August, 2021

Dr Giorgi Pkhakadze, a public health expert, writes on the social network that the fourth wave will be in Georgia in early September and have the worst results.

According to him, the third dose of the vaccine should be allowed in the country for those over 60 and for all those vaccinated with low-effective vaccines.

"According to the decision of the US Food and Drug Administration, the third or booster dose of Pfizer and Moderna has already been allowed.

- "Booster" is allowed only for people with a weak immunity (organ transplants, those on hormone therapy, and, in general, those on immunosuppressive drugs ...)

- Other fully vaccinated persons (with Pfizer or Modern) do not need the third dose!

- It is allowed for people over 60 in Israel

- Pfizer booster for those who got Chinese vaccine is also allowed in Bahrain ...

- In Georgia, cursing Pkhakadze is allowed. Believe me at least once. I try to provide you with the latest academic/scientific news from around the world and, instead of just listening I receive aggression, negativity, and pointless comments.

- Once again, a booster should be allowed in the country first for those over 60 and then for all people who have been vaccinated with ineffective vaccines.

- The 4th wave in Georgia will be stronger than the 3rd (you have been warned more than once).

- The 4th wave peak will be in early September and will be the heaviest.

- Let us take care of our medical staff!" Dr Giorgi Pkhakadze writes.


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